Renting textbooks may be an option for you this semester instead of buying them. Renting a textbook for a semester cost less than buying it for a semester. As some would prefer to keep their textbooks forever as reference, they do take up space and can be heavy sometime. Every semester a student has to acquire new text books which can be costly so the lower rental price will save you some money, ultimately.
Scholar Tip by Robert Grizzle - Sophmore, Santa Barbara City College (USMC)
Ultimately a digital text book is going to save a lot of space in your backpack and is also less wait to carry.
In our ever changing world, Pdf, E-pub and e-books are now an option. With that being fact, it is also fact that in order to read an e-pub, an e-book or a pdf format textbook, a student will have to have a device to read them on. A device such as an e-reader, a tablet or any computer device capable will be needed to do so which costs a bit. For those in need of a funding plan for such a device, The MacBook Plan could be an option.
Scholar Tip by The Lifetime Student Foundation
If you hurry and apply for a book grant at your perspective School, College or University you may be eligible to get your book cost paid for or maybe a percentage of the total for all your textbooks paid for. You could also try:
The MacBook Plan (EPub) - The MacBook Plan is a brief example of a great financial method called Crowd Saving. If applied to textbooks for a year instead of a MacBook .
( Follow this link for more info - (The MacBook Plan (EPub) )
Textbook Swap - Bartering textbooks. There are a few schools and also online services that offer text book swaps. A place where you can swap textbooks.
“ For a quick text-check type your Textbook ISBN here…”
-Miles The Scholar-